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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Splendor of Birth

I changed the name of this blog today but I couldn't get rid of the Splendor. I just love that word. I know it's not used much and maybe considered a bit old fashioned but Birth to me is beautiful and life changing. Not to discount those births that are disappointing and sometimes even traumatic. But for me Birth reminds me of great things like snow fluttering, my son playing a beautiful christmas song on the piano, the giggle of a baby, a thud in your chest that wakes me up and says, "This is it....Life, where we all began". Each time I support a couple through the journey of birth I am struck by this life giving event and how it impacts the parents and I too am changed. I never stop learning something at every birth I attend. I love being a birth Doula and I believe that if we are to change the world we must start at birth!

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