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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hot Eggnog?

Eggnog, oh how I love Eggnog especially with a dash of nutmeg and a little rum is nice as well. But of course neither of these are a good choice during pregnancy. The eggnog contains raw egg and has the potential to make expecting mom sick with the bacteria levels and the rum....well we all know by now that alcohol is a definate NO NO during pregnancy. Other foods to avoid during prenancy are soft and/or unpasturized cheeses, raw milk, even deli meats can high levels of bacteria so steam them in the microwave before eating them. Large fish tend to have higher toxin levels and sorry, no sushi, wait till after the baby is born. I wonder what would happen if you heated eggnog up? Would it kill the bacteria? Would it change the taste? I just might have to check that out myself.

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