Spa and Labour? I try to encourage couples to think outside the box. Think about what you would like your atmosphere to be like during labour. I suggest that women should and can have a spa like experience complete with massage, facial, warm bath, music. I am sure initially the idea of labour atmosphere conjures up the idea of obstetric machines, bright lights and sterile room but it doesn't have to be all like that. Most caregivers suggest first and foremost to try to labour at home as long a possible. Some experts have suggested that a labouring women should have a birth setting that is like the love making room.....low lights, romantic music, warm bath, candles (battery operated of course). Why? Because women respond better in an atmosphere of private, safe and undistured atmospheres.
Also, what would you like it to be like for your baby when he or she makes it's first appearance upon the outside world. Wouldn't you like the first few minutes to be warm, calm and welcoming? So take some time to think about what you want your labouring atmosphere to be like. Think about things you could bring to the hospital to create a relaxing, welcoming atmosphere. Now take that thought and put it into action. Start your "labour tool bag" today.
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