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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quiet alert state

The mother labouring .......the quiet alert state

The baby freshly born ...... the quiet alert state

What can we learn from .......the quiet alert state?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Boobs, breasts, (I am sure you could think of a few other names that apply here) whatever you want to call them women have them in their own shape and size. Aside from birthing my children the next most important thing I think I have ever done in caring for them and raising them was breastfeeding. There has been a movement that is suggesting that at birth mothers and babies should be treated as a unit not as separate. This obviously benefits both mom and baby in their efforts to breastfeed from the moment a baby is born. We need not look any farther than nature to see that babies were meant to breastfeed. They are born with the innate behaviour to survive and that happens to lead them straight to the breast. And womens breasts prepare prenatally and are ready to spring forth "liquid gold" or colostrum (the first milk). Then the whole wonderful process of feeding, bonding and nurturing begins. The human body never ceases to amaze me! What boobs can do is breastaking. LOL! Want to know more about breastfeeding? Peek at Dr. Jack Newman's site

Friday, August 7, 2009

Celebrities and birth

People usually have a fasination with celebrities. Pregnant women are no exception. They are searching for stories, facts and research that can help them understand pregnancy and birth. With all the media we allow into our lives it is no wonder that we know a lot about celebrities. But sometimes the media paints a negative slant on pregnancy and birth. Where do we hear about how "normal" birth is? Where do we hear about the choices women have in labour and birth? I found it quite smart and refreshing that Ricki Lake has interviews with celebrities on her web site, interesting interviews and worth peaking at. Just hearing that Cindy Crawford chose a home birth perked my interest even more! Also look for Melissa Joan Hart

Monday, July 13, 2009

childbirth education

Ask yourself, would you buy a car without getting all the facts about it? When you need surgery wouldn't you want to understanding as much as possible about? How about when you decide to get a pet wouldn't you want to know how to care for it? Of course. Gathering information helps us when we are faced with decisions. It help us make informed decisions. It helps us feel more confident about what we are about to experience. Now, ask yourself don't you deserve the most up to date information and practical suggestions to help you embark on the journey of childbirth. If you haven't signed up for your childbirth education classes what are you waiting for? One thing is for certain that women report positive birth experiences if they are able to make informed decisions when they give birth to their children. No matter how long, how painful or if she used medication or natural....we know that if she participated in the decisions on her health care she feels empowered and reports a positive birth experiecnce. So if you are informed as you can be about birth this goes a long when when your big day arrives!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


BIRTH IS.......

S - Special
P - Profound
L - Lifegiving
E - Exciting
N - Normal
D - Dramatic
O - Opening
R - Remembered

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birth......You can do it!!

When I teach about birth I always add a, "You can do it" and I remind the class of how actor, Rob Schneider always makes his small cameo appearances in Adam Sandler movies. He has said that statement many a times and it always cracks me up. And I truely believe that You Can Do It too! I want to energized women to believe in their bodies and the awesome capibility that it has. The very fact their body knows what to do seems to incredible. It certainly helps when women can tap into that inner wisdom. As I get older and wiser I have become so much more appreciative of my body, my womanly body and the potential that was unlocked when I gave birth to my children. Though I never knew half of what I know about birth now, one thing is for certain I said to myself........ "You can do it" and I did!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Birth of the family

Two of my babies were born in May. I have fond memories of those early days, the "baby moon" time. As a birth Doula I have the privilege of witnessing the creation of the new family. I see the moment a baby is born and the look on the parents faces, tears of joy, excitement. My heart is warmed. I'm filled with a profound sense of blessing and purpose. I think to myself.......this is at the core of what life is about. Birth of a baby.....birth of a mother......birth of a father.....birth of the family.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Know your options when it comes to Birth

It's always fun taking a few minutes to look at u-tube or other cool sites that chat up birth. I found this one very interesting and touching. Birth can be like these stories. You have the choice to choose a birth free from intervention. You have the choice to choose your caregiver and the location of your birth. You have options. I often say when I teach prenatal....... "Know your options or you don't have any!!"

Friday, May 22, 2009

Your body is normal, trust it

Keeping labour and birth normal in our culture is challenging. The media paints a very industrialized or medical image of birth. Keeping in mind that some people have no choice but to take this route because there is a medical indication to do so. But lets just start at the beginning.......with the onset of labour. What's the rush? Just let things unfold naturally, trusting that our bodies know exacting what to do and trusting our baby knows too!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Two types of Doula's

Well I have been so busy I haven't been able to get here to this blog. The task this week is teaching two childbirth education classes and spreading the word about Doula' did know that there are two types of Doula's. Birth Doula's and Post partum Doula's. I am a Birth Doula. If you are thinking about hiring a Doula please ask me any questions that may help you with your decisions to hire one.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Splendor of Birth

May 13, 2009

This is it! My first blog. And I am dedicating it to my passion......Birth and the Splendor of Birth. On this blog I hope to inspire, open up some minds and also have communication with people on the the topic of birth. So lets get started!!